Kirsten's Corner: The One About Being Trapped - Indianapolis Fitness And Sports Training

Kirsten’s Corner: The One About Being Trapped

written by Bill Hartman

Once upon a time there was a recovering chunky-butt named Kirsten who decided she wanted to work in a gym-o-awesomeness and surround herself with healthy, fit-minded peeps. As part of her indoctrination into the land of IFAST-dom, she was awarded an assessment that verified her strengths and weaknesses as a dormant athlete. She quickly proved herself to have the dexterity of a Weeble-Wobble. They sent their noble and optimistic warrior, Sir Jae, to feverishly train Kirsten in the art of Anti-Humpty-Dump-tery. This is her story…


This week, life on the home front left me feeling oh so stabby.  In lieu of risking prison life – cuz nobody looks good in that shade of orange – I fell face first into a sleepless mental tornado. Similarly, I was completely unmotivated to move my body in any direction except towards the fridge. But this time? Processing my feelings with a fork or spoon was a mere temporary blip on the road map of my journey. This time, ladies and gentlemen, I asked for help. It blessed me with the will to keep on fighting.  Now I’m locked, loaded, and ready to succeed another day. it’s enough; all I ever need is enough fight for today.

Even the darkest rains can make beautiful things blossom.  And I’m determined to get my bloom on.

Behold: Me Blooming with My Trap Bar

Living happily ever after,


  • Rock my new program GRADE: B
  • Eat for hunger GRADE: C


  • Weigh once a week instead of daily
  • Log everything for next week’s nutritional consultation with Jessica Robertson.


  • Turns out it’s called a TRAP bar because it’s shaped like a TRAP-ezoid and *not* because one might – hypothetically – feel TRAPped inside. Who knew?!
  • I have self-diagnosed myself with Cardio-A.D.D. and am super excited that Jae has updated my program to rotate 5-minute intervals between the sled, the treadmill, and the prowler (ok, maybe not SUPER excited about the prowler part).

Kirsten’s Corner is a weekly blog post written by Kirsten Shaw to document her health-fit journey. It is intended to offer humor and inspiration and should not be misconstrued as medical advice or the opinions of IFAST.

Bill Hartman

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