Physical Health is Your Target - Indianapolis Fitness And Sports Training

Physical Health is Your Target

written by Bill Hartman

Every aspect of your life depends on your physical health. It should be everyone’s number one value.

Without physical health, everything becomes more difficult and in some cases impossible.

Our brains exist for movement. Kids that exercise or participate in sports tend to do better in school. Adults who exercise remain cognitively intact throughout their lives.

Before humans could speak, we communicated with gestures (aka movement). Gestures became speech as we evolved language. Language became thought as learned to internalize speech (that little voice in your head). Therefore, every thought you have is movement-based.

We cannot serve or provide for the needs of others if we cannot move well.

We cannot experience many of the joys of life if we are not physically capable first.

Your body is a physical representation of everything that is important to you. It represents your habits, behaviors, and attitudes. It must come first.

  1. Eat to provide energy for your physical activity
  2. Stay physically strong
  3. Build Endurance

We’ll see you for your workout today at IFAST.

If you’re not sure how to get started or if pain is limiting your ability to lead the active lifestyle you desire, IFAST has a solution. Please fill out the form below, and we’ll be happy to get back to you ASAP. Also, please download a free copy of All Gain, No Pain as a free gift to you.

Bill Hartman

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