A Huge Benefit Of Having A Coach - Indianapolis Fitness And Sports Training

A Huge Benefit Of Having A Coach

written by Zach Moore

I was recently looking at some before and after pictures of one of my training and nutrition clients (subscribe to the IFAST newsletter to see her transformation along with several others).  The results were awesome!  She has lost several pounds of fat, her posture has greatly improved, she is incredibly stronger, and she is much more confident in her body.

These are all great things, but one of the things I am most proud of is that she now feels more self-sufficient.   She told me she now feels confident to make informed decisions regarding her health and fitness.  That is awesome!

Before she came to IFAST she always struggled making smart choices because she was so confused by all of the conflicting information on the internet and television.

I am sure you have experienced this as well.  One internet expert will claim having fruit is great while another will claim it is the worst food you can eat for fat loss.  So who is right?  How can you make informed decisions when you are bombarded with this conflicting information?

Well, I hate to say it, but it is not easy.  You can either experiment on yourself to see what works, look into the research regarding each topic you are interested in, or hire a coach that is well-read and informed on the topics related to your goal.


I don’t know about you, but the last option sounds the most attractive to me.

I, along with the other IFAST coaches, work hard to keep learning and improving so we can deliver the best results to our clients.  But we don’t only provide our clients with results, we provide them with the knowledge they need to make smart decisions inside and outside of the gym.

I view myself as a teacher as much as I view myself as a trainer.  I always say that I want my clients to be smarter than the average trainer, and I am pretty sure most of them are :).  I also want them to be able to leave IFAST feeling like they can exercise intelligently and eat well on their own.

Obviously, I never want to see any of my clients leave IFAST, but if they do I feel confident they will have the tools necessary to sort through all of the confusion out there and make smart choices.

So if you want to learn more about how to make smart choices that will help you achieve and sustain your fitness and lifestyle goals then consider giving us a call at 317-578-0998 and working with an IFAST coach.  We will work to help you achieve your goals, while also providing you with the knowledge and tools to sustain those goals.

Have a great week!



Zach Moore

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