Client PRs: Trap bar madness (videos) - Indianapolis Fitness And Sports Training

Client PRs: Trap bar madness (videos)

written by Jae Chung

Two big PRs to share today, both on the trap bar deadlift. I love the trap bar because it’s often one of the first exercises that allows our clients to start lifting heavy weights. And heavy weights are sexy. And good for you.

Michelle deadlifts 150 lbs. (and makes it look like a warmup)

First, Michelle E. casually deadlifted 150 lbs. for the first time this week. She makes it look easy. I didn’t want her to be nervous, so I didn’t tell her I was going to record it (but I did get her grudging permission to let me post this online). Stick around for her reaction when she realizes I’ve been filming her:

150 lbs. is not a truly heavy weight for Michelle, but it’s a nice milestone to celebrate! Great job, Michelle! Keep getting stronger and let’s see a video of 175 lbs. soon!

Chris conquers severe back pain and deadlifts 300 lbs.!

Just over one year ago, Chris W. came into IFAST with severe back pain. It was so debilitating that his first training program consisted mainly of Chris lying around on his back and doing 1-legged glute bridges. He wasn’t even allowed to start doing kettlebell deadlifts (at around 25-35 lbs.) until his second month with us!

Just last week, Chris deadlifted 300 lbs. for five reps with zero back pain:

It took a lot of hard work to get to this point. There were a few minor setbacks here and there, which were frustrating at the time. But Chris was diligent about his homework (breathing and repositioning exercises), and even bought a trap bar to use at home when he couldn’t come into IFAST! Today, he continues to get stronger and stronger, and I can’t remember the last time he came in with back pain.

We are really proud of you for your dedication and hard work, Chris, and so glad that you are out of back pain!

Other PRs: Karen deadlifts 220, Josh gains a bunch of weight, Cathy… speaks her mind

Apologies to the many other clients with awesome PRs who I did not feature on video this week. Karen K recently deadlifted 220 for 2 reps, and Cathy D set a record for “fewest minutes elapsed before uttering a swear word” in a recent session (13.722 seconds after walking in the door, upon realizing that her very thoughtful and caring coach had included split squats in her program for yet another month). Thanks for being our resident sassypants, Cathy!

Finally, Josh B. has managed to gain 12+ pounds in the last five weeks. That is a huge accomplishment for a guy who has “never” been able to gain weight in the last 20 years. He’s got about 20 lbs. left to go, so keep up the great work, Josh!


Jae Chung

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