10x Value? - Indianapolis Fitness And Sports Training

10x Value?

written by Mike Robertson


This past weekend, I sat in on a fitness business presentation by the one-and-only Pat Rigsby.

If you’re not in the fitness biz, you may have no clue who Pat is. And that’s totally ok.

Long story short? Pat is one of the the absolute best in the world when it comes to helping people grow their fitness business the right way.

Oh, and by the way, he’s the business advisor to IFAST – so I’m a bit biased 🙂

Regardless, Pat was discussing ways to differentiate yourself from the crowd, and he reminded me of a point that I always try to impress upon our staff. Our goal is simple:

We want to give you, our member, 10x the value of what you pay every month.

It’s a lofty goal, but that’s also what will distinguish us from the rest of the pack.

The next question then becomes, how do we create 10x value? Here are just a handful of things we do to make your experience at IFAST world class:

  • We assess each and every member who walks in our door. This is how we can create a customized training program and workout experience.
  • We write a customized/individualized program for every member as well. Again, the best program is a unique blend of your needs and goals.
  • We know your name. I want someone to greet you, by your first name, within your first five seconds in our door.
  • If you miss a session, we’re going to call you and follow up to make sure everything is ok.
  • Each and every coaching session will be world-class. We’re going to push you to your limits, but do so in a safe and effective manner.
  • We’re going to learn about you, the individual. The more we understand about you and your lifestyle, the better we can communicate with you and motivate you as a coach.

These are just a few of the things we do every day at IFAST to make ourselves different from the other facilities out there.

I understand we’re not for everybody, but if you want a trainer or coach who is committed to your success, I think you can do a lot worse than IFAST!

If you’re interested in learning more about IFAST, simply call us at 317.578.0998, or e-mail at [email protected] to sign-up for an intiial consultation. We’d love to learn more about you, and see if IFAST is a good fit.

Until then, take care and have a great week!



Mike Robertson

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