Why your back pain may not be a back problem. - Indianapolis Fitness And Sports Training

Why your back pain may not be a back problem.

written by Bill Hartman

All too often, we blame body parts as the cause of our pain.

When we have back pain, we say we have bad back.

When we have knee pain, we say we have bad knees.

While there are certainly circumstances where changes in the structure of our back or our knees change, research shows us that in many cases these changes ARE NOT the source of our pain.

Many times, the cause of the pain is a change in the way our body is capable of moving. Once our movement is restored and the body becomes more adaptable, pain often resolves.

There is even research to show that ANY form of general exercise can favorably influence a pain experience.

Here’s this weeks video explaining what these relationships can look like.

Bill Hartman

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