Morning Fat Loss Program at Indianapolis Fitness and Sports Training Update - Indianapolis Fitness And Sports Training

Morning Fat Loss Program at Indianapolis Fitness and Sports Training Update

written by Bill Hartman

We’ve added two new members to the morning fat loss program at Indianapolis Fitness and Sports Training.  So a hearty welcome to both Lindsay and Sue.

Both gals are already demonstrating the now famous IFAST attitude that assures them success. 

Sue came in today with her compliance manual all filled out complete with all her long and short-term goals.  She’s already making changes to her food selections and refining her eating program. 

Lindsay was quite impressive in her second workout this week.  She comes from an athletic background and it shows as she was picking up exercise cues like she’d been training for years.  She finished her workout today with kettlebell swings and knocked them out like a pro.

Chris is still kicking butt as usual and will be kicking his program into high gear.  Keep riding the momentum Chris!

JK continues to lead by example.  I can’t tell you how proud I am to work with her.  We were able to progress her program today and train exercises that were once too painful to perform. 

Here’s a little IFAST weight loss program tip for you.

It’s common for folks get frustrated with their lack fat loss of progress especially early on in their weight loss program.    The changes may be gradual and therefore not visible since you tend to see yourself every day.

One of the measures we use to keep people on track and motivated is by taking their skinfold measurements on our clients’ cheeks and under their chins.  While these measures don’t factor into their body fat percentage calculation, these areas tend to be the first place where they lose a measureable amount of body fat.  So we can take a quick and accurate measure of their progress any time to show that while they may not see it, they are changing for the better.

Until next week!

Bill Hartman

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