I-FAST #1 - Open Gym Memberships - Indianapolis Fitness And Sports Training

I-FAST #1 – Open Gym Memberships

written by Mike Robertson

While this originally ran on my OTHER blog (RobertsonTrainingSystems.blogspot.com), I thought I’d transfer the material over here.  Let’s see if this works!

Over the course of the following days, I’m going to blog about the new gym that Bill Hartman and I are opening. I think it’s fair to say that opening a gym is a dream that both of us have had for quite some time, so in these blog posts I’m going to do my best to describe what will make Indianapolis Fitness and Sports Training (I-FAST) unique when compared to other fitness facilities.

In this blog we’ll discuss open gym memberships at the facility.

When you join your “typical” commerical facility, a few things will probably happen:

– You’ll sign some sort of contract
– You might get a brief tour of the facility
– You might get someone to “show you how to use the machines”
– If you’re really lucky, they may do some sort of fitness testing on you

Whether you think of it this way or not, you’re basically renting machines from your current gym. You will get little or no guidance. To boot, you’ll probably get little or not support.

You’re a cog in the wheel.

At I-FAST, our #1 goal is to ensure that our clients see results. After all, each and every person who trains at your gym is a walking billboard, whether you want to believe it or not. Our open gym membership will be vastly different from others in several regards.

First, EVERY PERSON who trains at our gym will be assessed to help determine their starting points and issues that need to be addressed. This could include body composition, joint specific mobility/stability testing, gross motor movements, etc. Obviously, it’s going to be very dependent upon your current level of training, your goals, etc. but everyone will be assessed.

Next, EVERY PERSON who trains at our gym will be on an individualized program to help them achieve their goals. You won’t see someone doing 30 sets of curls, bench presses, or front raises. After all, how many people in your current gym work hard enough to have success, but have terrible programming? Or programming that doesn’t fit their current goals? If you combine hard work with quality programming, good things happen.

Another common issue with most commercial facilities is a lack of the big bang equipment such as racks, platforms, plates, etc. Just to start out we’re going to have four platforms and three racks so you don’t have to deal with this madness. Beyond that, we’ll have tons of the other stuff you know you need – dumbbells, strongman equipment, etc.

Finally, our goal is to create a community within our members so that you’ll actually enjoy the people around you when you work out. A positive and supportive environment can taken even the most average trainee to amazing levels of strength and fitness, so we’ll include all kinds of events and outings to make sure that you “know thy neighbor.”

In the end, even our open gym memberships aren’t so much members as they are clients – people we’ve assessed, programmed for, and set on a path to success.

In Part II, we’ll discuss the various training programs that I-FAST has to offer.

Stay strong

Mike Robertson

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