How to Beat the Holiday Weight Gain - Indianapolis Fitness And Sports Training

How to Beat the Holiday Weight Gain

written by Bill Hartman

Many folks are ever fearful of the dreaded holiday weight gain.

Tempted by all the holiday goodies not to mention the endless family get-togethers and parties, it can be a challenging time for our weight loss clients at Indianapolis Fitness and Sports Training (IFAST).

Let me provide you with a unique strategy.

Don’t worry about it.

Do you really think one or two days of treats and celebration with those close to you can derail your efforts?  I doubt it.

If anything, use the holidays to strengthen your resolve. 

Take total control of your weight loss and create a holiday eating plan.  Stick your regular eating plan and continue to exercise, but be sure to include planned periods of “free eating”.  This is not to give you permission for a food-based free-for-all.  It just allows you short periods of relaxation with family where you can enjoy your time with them without other concerns.

Here’s a couple extra tricks you can use:

Do an extended version of your workout prior to the big family meal.  It can limit the damage from eating a few treats.

Focus on eating smaller portions of your favorite “cheat foods”.

If you do overeat, get back on the program the very next day.  Don’t fall into the “well I ruined my program yesterday, so why not do it again today” attitude. 

Enjoy your holiday season to the fullest.

From THE Indianapolis Personal Trainers at IFAST.

Bill Hartman and Mike Robertson

P.S.  If you’re tired of having to type our full gym name into your browser, we can now be reached at



Bill Hartman

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