Friday Updates - Indianapolis Fitness And Sports Training

Friday Updates

written by Mike Robertson

Here are some I-FAST updates from this week – it’s been another good one here at the gym!

–  We have several new distance clients starting up in the next couple of weeks.  While it’s not as effective as in-person training, getting evaluated in-person and then getting an individualized program can cure a lot of ills.  We can figure what’s going on, what we need to work on, and even set aside some training time to determine where you need to improve technically.  One of our new clients actually resides in Osaka, Japan!  Very cool.

–  The bash brothers (Lance and Kyle) told me this past week they’re going to do their first powerlifting meet in April.  I told them I would take care of the handling, as long as they are ready to take care of the big lifts!  I can’t wait to put some cast wraps on their little knees…. 😉

–  Our morning fat loss crew is continuing to build momentum.  CT told me he dropped another 6 pounds this week!  While he’s definitely cranking up his lifting intensity, he’s done a great job of watching his portion sizes.  I’m not positive, but I think he told me that was 22 pounds in 8 weeks.  Great job man!

–  We still have openings for the January 24th kettlebell seminar with Brett Jones.  We’ll be covering the basic KB lifts like swings, snatches, windmills and Turkish get-ups.  Cost for gym members is $125, non-gym members is $175.  If you’re interested in attending, drop us a line at [email protected] and we’ll send you the registration info.

That’s it for now – have a great weekend!

Stay strong


Mike Robertson

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