Plenty of Time to Join IFAST's Book Club
Good Reads

Still Time to Join Our Book Club

written by Mike Robertson

IThoughtItWasJustMe Book ClubTomorrow night, October 11th, IFAST’s inaugural book club will meet for the fourth time. We are reading Brené Brown’s, I Thought It was Just Me  to dive into the powerful concept of shame. At IFAST, we’re known for training the WHOLE athlete.

As Camille, an IFAST member and book club participant shared, “Lance told me a long time ago that if I wasn’t right in my mind, that I wouldn’t be any good training. I didn’t listen; that’s how I ended up hurting myself!”

Haven’t come previously? No worries. Haven’t even bought the book? Come anyway! There are still 7 more chapters/weeks to join in on the laughter, revelation-induced tears, and/or mashed potatoes with gravy. We meet every Tuesday from 6-8 at Bob Evans on 96th Street. Every week is organized as a stand-alone discussion that assume at least one person didn’t read a word of the chapter.

Can’t join us for dinner but are interested in following along at home? Email Kirsten and she’ll add you to the list that gets the study guide every week.

Not familiar with Brené Brown’s work? Check out her wonderful explanation of EMPATHY vs. SYMPATHY below:

Mike Robertson

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