Hi! My name is Eric Oberst and I great up in New Berlin, WI.
I got started training in high school. I grew up a multi-sport athlete but always felt beat-up.
Training helped me rebalance my body and feel healthy as well as get stronger and improve my performance. During the transition as a collegiate athlete, I got more personal experience and exposure in the strength and conditioning world.
These experiences have helped me connect personally with my clients and have spurred my professional interests and development in the field.
My training philosophy is tailoring a program to the needs and goals if an individual. There are many ways to help a client to reduce or eliminate their pain or injury, get bigger, faster, stronger, or to sustain long-term health and athletic development so that can continue to participate in the activities they enjoy.
Commonly, however, as soon a program becomes narrow sighted where the trainer focuses on what they (the trainer) WANTS out of the program vs. aligning the program based on what the client NEEDS to move towards their goals, you lose sight of why the client sought your skills, experience, and services in the first place.
I believe regular communication, feedback, and reassessment are necessary to ensure the program is efficient and effective.
I specialize and enjoy working with clients that are in pain, and finding strategies that allow clients to either resume or continue training while decreasing their pain.
My background as a physical therapist guides my selection of exercises that are safe, effective, and progressive in terms of both intensity/challenge while simultaneously improving their movement strategies to reduce their pain.
One success story is a had a young girl who came in her first day on a wheelchair after a bilateral ankle fusion. After many months of hard work, she was able to walk independently without an assistive device, and carry her own backpack while navigating the hallways at school, both major wins for her at the time. This past year she was even able to attend her high school’s prom!
Additionally, I began working mid-season with a high level competitive swimmer who was unable to train freestyle or butterfly without exacerbating her chronic lower back pain following a stress fracture sustained years prior.
In a matter of months, she was competing for the first time since her stress fracture without lower back pain, and was a top finisher at high school state in both of her events.
Outside of the gym, in the last few years my wife and I have become big gardeners. You will find us landscaping and making improvement to our garden and exterior with the ultimate goal of becoming homesteaders!
Additionally, I enjoy taking our dogs on walks, trying to get out in nature as much as possible.
And during my copious amounts of free time, I enjoy a good book in the hammock in our backyard.
To book a time with me, please either email IFAST at [email protected], or call us at 317.578.0998. I hope to see you soon!